Advocacy 2023


JeffCo EDC employs an active group of investors on its Government Affairs Committee (GAC). Charged with following and advocating for policy that enhances the economic wellbeing of our community – the GAC works with our lobbyist on drafting, amending, and positioning our voice around state, local, and federal tables. While most of our work is centered on the state legislative session, we do follow policy at all levels.

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HB23-1035: Statute Of Limitations Minimum Wage Violation

We believe this bill addresses and clarifies a limitation question that allows the judicial system moving forward without unnecessary distractions and misdirection.


SB23-037: Solicitations Related To Secretary Of State Documents

We believe this bill makes improvements to the solicitation process that protects the impacted parties while adding reasonable limitations to requests.


SB23-066: Advanced Industry Acceleration Programs

One of the most utilized programs to the economic health of our state, the continuation of this program as essential to creating quality jobs for our community.


HB23-1115: Repeal Prohibition Local Residential Rent Control

Housing accessible is a subject that we are very much around the table on. We believe that a multi faceted approach is needed for our State to address the shortages and affordability factors. With Prop 123 and ARPA programs in queue – we believe this legislation will create an unnecessary and undue burden to the progress that is in the works. While we understand that this allows for local decision making, this is neither the time nor mechanism that needs to be introduced to our housing development markets.


HB23-1118: Fair Workweek Employment Standards

One of the more problematic and micromanaging pieces of legislation we have seen in some time, it is unfathomable that government should insert itself into the scheduling of employees. While limited to certain sectors now, we know this will soon become the slippery slope. But that aside – this is just not good for job creation and realistic expectations seem to be checked at the door. While maybe well intended, this bill is the epitome of over reach and lacking in understanding of how a business operates.


HB23-1171: Just Cause Requirement Eviction Of Residential Tenant

We believe this bill is a prime example of the disconnect between affordability efforts and the unjustified attempt to suppress rental opportunities. This bill will put the financial position of multi family units into a state of discounted pro formas leading to a riskier financing classification. It will suppress the market supply and discourage the availability of units for rent – specifically in the more affordable sector. Additionally, the language on auto renewals is quite concerning as we continue to chip away at private property ownership rights.


HB23-1189: Employer Assistance For Home Purchase Tax Credit

The path to home ownership is an essential element in creating a healthy community. While there are many variables beyond out control, this bill is a creative and attainable solution to assist in the process. By allowing companies a streamlined mechanism and incentive to help their employees, it addresses workforce, housing, and positive economic impact all at once.


SB23-065: Career Development Success Program 

This program has proven to have both demand and success. Shoring up the financial mechanisms to better align with that demand is essential to ensuring our school districts ability to continue these offerings.


HB23-1095: Prohibited Provisions In Rental Agreements

In a time where the Governor’s most vocal topic is housing affordability, we continue to see bills that drive up the costs of housing. This bill is part of a collective of housing bills that will make rental units more expensive and less attractive to build.


HB23-1215: Limits On Hospital Facility Fees

On the heels of a pandemic, we saw the importance and need for healthcare to be nearby and have numerous options of care style. This bill seems to want to dismantle the ability of healthcare providers to sustain these local and various opportunities and will have an impact both in the urban/suburban core, but even greater adverse effect in the rural communities. If passed, this will move healthcare back to centralized and more expensive centers, negatively impacting a resident’s ability to receive the best care for their needs.


HB23-1225: Extend And Modify Prescription Drug Affordability Board

We opposed the original creation of this board due to concerns it was not needed and adverse to patient care. In the years since, our position has proven correct as the money spent standing it up and operating has not yielded any tangible patient benefit, yet dipped into tax payers pockets. Extending and modifying an expanded scope for a largely ineffective process is not what we need. Use what you have in place, make an impact, show some value, and then talk about this. But with no measured success, this is ill advised.


HB23-1294: Pollution Protection Measures

Another year and another bill that says one thing but largely does little of that, while also attempting to sneak in some much maligned additional programs such as ETRP. Initially thought to be a targeted bill in the critical and important oil and gas sector – the language is far reaching from them alone. And while progress was made in negotiating a very poorly written bill into a more manageable study – the critical language around air permits and legal standing remains an ill-advised policy. It would take time and resources away from where it really matters in way of creating processes better and infusing it into legal battles. This bill is not only bad for oil and gas – but any of our manufacturers and industries who have an air permit.


SB23-213: Land Use

Another bill that we held out and waited on a position for but have come to the conclusion that we simply cannot support. We fully acknowledge and advocate for policy that works towards housing affordability and admit that zoning and local politics have been a hindrance in some instances – but this bill is far too complicated, contentious, and overreaching to really get back to the heart of its intent – housing. While optimistic with what we saw in the Senate amendments, the actions of the House really negated our neutral position, and we must voice our concern for the direction. Issues like this require a lot of discussion, stakeholdering, and technical analysis. This bill did not get that with its fast track. Something needs to be done – but this is not it.


HB23-1260: Advanced Industry and Semiconductor Manufacturing Incentives

With economic development as our north star, increasing our ability to recruit essential advanced industries with a competitive approach is a priority. This bill helps us in these efforts by adding another tool to on shore the semiconductor industry.


HB23-1289: Sustainable Advancements In Aviation Tax Credits

Our airport, RMMA, is a great asset to our community with a bright future for development. These tac credits could be instrumental not only in the county’s climate action plan, but in the job creation and advancement for the future of the aviation industry. Much like we are ground zero for renewable energy industry – we could be that in aviation as well, and this program will help attract those companies.


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