Advocacy 2025


JeffCo EDC employs an active group of investors on its Government Affairs Committee (GAC). Charged with following and advocating for policy that enhances the economic wellbeing of our community – the GAC works with our lobbyist on drafting, amending, and positioning our voice around state, local, and federal tables. While most of our work is centered on the state legislative session, we do follow policy at all levels.

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HB25-1001: Enforcement Wage Hour Laws

We believe there are a few elements in this legislation that are best and fair practice, but much of this bill needs amending to be feasible, enforceable, and frankly – demonstrating a better understanding of how employment law operates. We believe we can take the reasonable aspects of this bill and build from there.


HB25-1005 : Tax Incentive for Film Festivals

The ability to attract, promote, and embrace a film festival of magnitude would be a benefit to the entire Metro area. We support this incentive mechanism to make that prospect more of a reality.


HB25-1010: Prohibiting Price Gouging in Sales of Necessities

Colorado already has protections in place for declared emergencies. This bill has considerable challenges as written and lacks the fundamental understanding of how pricing, supply chain, “on sale” campaigns, and more actually operate. The amendments needed here are extensive, as this needs to first ask the question ‘what are we trying to address/fix,’ and then build from there. As written, it is completely impractical.


HB25-1053: Landowner Immunity for Emergency Access to Property

We support this legislation that helps remove unintended consequences during emergency situations for landowners. The ability to open all paths of access during these stressful situations is essential.


HB25-1090: Protections Against Deceptive Pricing Practices

We view this to be more of a national topic and issue versus state due to the nature of interstate commerce and how many variables are included in this broadly written bill. We have quite of bit of clarity needed industry by industry, and then the addition of the landlord/tenant aspect complicates the realities even more. While we almost wanted to be oppose unless amended, the amount of amendments and changes needed were just too great to even make that position feasible. No one wants bad actors in pricing, but this bill has far too many problems to be practical.


HB25-1119: Require Disclosures of Climate Emissions

This overreach attempt of requiring reporting on international footprints is impractical, misguided, and flat out overstepping boundaries.


HB25-1157: Reauthorize Advanced Industries Tax Credit

A great program for our Jeffco companies that has led to community innovation and investment. We look forward to continue impacts by the support of this program.


HB25-1169: Housing Developments on Faith and Educational Land

Not opposed to the general premise, but the removal of local control is of concern.


HB25-1186: Work-Based Learning Experiences in Higher Education


HB25-1239: Colorado Anti-Discrimination Act


HB25-1241: Public Accessibility of Emissions Records

An overreach by the state on a subject already under much control and reporting from a federal level down. This added burden adds little to no value on emission controls, yet adds administrative burden on both business and government.


HB25-1247: County Lodging Tax Expansion


HB25-1261: Consumers Construction Defect Action

This bill reads like a plaintiff attorney’s wish lists of policy. The problems are vast here, that will lead to lawsuits, litigation, and ultimately less housing product for Colorado.


HB25-1264: Prohibit Surveillance Data to Set Prices and Wages

This odd piece of legislation take an approach of addressing individualized datasets and creates a “set of prescriptions” to a problem that simply does not exist. From pricing to worker performances, and more – this ill designed bill creates problems and challenges that are simply unnecessary and frankly hard to prove and govern. We predict the only thing created here is a hefty number of billable hours for attorneys.


HB25-1269: Building Decarbonization Measures


HB25-1272: Construction Defects & Middle Market Housing


HB25-1273: Residential Building Stair Modernization


HB25-1286: Protecting Workers from Extreme Temperatures

As a group who is in the field, on the sites, and understands how business happens – this bill is a head scratcher. Between OSHA and other current standards, this robust list of prescriptive tasks simply ignores the realities of work. Every single business wants to and continues to protect its workers from extreme, and even not so extreme, environments – and this bill will be of no benefit to the realities of those conditions. It will simply create unnecessary conditions and burdens that make Colorado a less desirable place to work.


SB25-005: Worker Protection Collective Bargaining

In the “Free State of Colorado” that notion extends to all aspects of our state. That includes inclusion or not into unions. Our Labor Peace Act has been a staple and best practice of how to be fair to both union and non-union employees – and has been a stalwart in our economic competitiveness. The idea of removing an employee’s protection to not be opted into a union they do not want to be flies in the face of the Free State claim. Removal of the second vote is simply a nonstarter.


SB25-022: Applying Artificial Intelligence to Fight Wildfire

With the risk of wildfire in Jefferson County, we support measures that allow our state, county, and cities to be on the cutting edge of technology.


SB25-045: Health-Care Payment System Analysis

While a study may be an essential step in the discussion of single payer being economically / practically an option – the language within this bill sits uneasy. It seems it is already structuring and defining the course forward rather than being a fair study that lets the data do the talking.


SB25-157: Deceptive Trade Practice Significant Impact Standard

In the annual bill that loves to create more litigation and little else, we remain a strong no.


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